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Provide a UX/UI kit allowing for a startup to create  an app prototype in less than a few hours. To decide what to include in the UX/UI kit I researched dozens of the apps I use on a daily basis to ensure that the UI was simple to customize and the UX was easy to use.
One key component to this design was making the design based on master components. This allows anyone to customize the design at a basic level in a matter of minutes. 

The Approach


The Challenge

For my explorations in design class I was tasked to create a free form design project of my choosing. Having recently developed a passion for mobile design I decided to create a mobile UX/UI kit.


Having worked for startups, and having read a lot about organization communication I have come to learn that an ongoing problem with fast growing startups is a lack of communication and culture.  


As a society that is glued to our smart phones I knew that an internal app would help with better communication leading to better work processes, culture, and success. However, the problem is startups rarely have money to pay a UX/UI designer to mock up an app for them to even consider. 

Phone Screen
Phone Screen
Screenshot (237).png

The wireframe, designed on Figma by Anna Kaplan

I wireframed and prototyped a complete UI/UX kit on Figma. I personally chose to use Figma as opposed to another design software because it did not have the constraints of requiring a mac or downloaded software

The Outcome

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